Uncle T’s Tea is a Year-Round Favorite

Cocktail #10 in our Countdown to 21 is Uncle T’s Tea from Uncle T’s in Scott, Louisiana.

Uncle T’s Tea at Uncle T’s in Scott

With some of the best charbroiled oysters we’ve ever tasted and service that is second to none, Uncle T’s Oyster Bar in Scott, Louisiana is always a great choice for lunch or dinner.

We stopped in for a visit and got to talk to owner Anthony Hebert who told us a little bit about the history behind the building that Uncle T’s occupies.

Anthony Hebert, owner of Uncle T’s in Scott

“The original all-brick building was built in the late 1950s by my wife’s grandfather, J. Warren Landry. Within the 2,500 square foot structure was the Scott Post Office as well as a laundromat and washeteria. After the post office moved to another location, Cue Time bar moved in and became a well-known billiards room where important meetings were held among business owners, politicians, and other prominent members of the Scott community.”

Hebert then introduced us to bartender Kisha who made our Uncle T’s Tea for us and told us a little bit about how the Uncle T’s Tea came about.

“We wanted something refreshing for the hot Louisiana summer and because the Louisiana climate sees warm days all throughout the year, Uncle T’s Tea can be enjoyed year-round and is a very popular drink,” Kisha told us.

Uncle T’s Tea is made with JT Meleck Vodka, sweet tea, and lemonade. Check out our video below of Kisha making an Uncle T’s Tea and head over to Uncle T’s in Scott for some of the best charbroiled oysters and cocktails around!